Intellectual outputs
O2 – Analysis on zoonoses state of arts
The aim is to research & evaluate the medical literature in the veterinary field talking about the zoonotic diseases, on the current state of arts, transmission patterns, geographical distribution, identifying specific diseases & ways of intervention in the local context. And to collect examples of information about ongoing programs & actions being taken to identify the most important needs in dealing with zoonoses interventions and to promote them among the lectures and students in veterinary study/practice.
Analysis on zoonoses state of arts in 4 countries: Romania, Croatia, Lithuania, Italy
Collection of best practices on zoonoses interventions
O3 - Guide of main infectious disease transmitted from non-human animals to humans
The aim is to develop a guide that will include ways on how to identify, monitor and control malaria & dirofilariasis for veterinary point of view. It will address the academic, professional & general beneficiaries. As the guide will address both professionals in veterinary field and the public at large its focus will be to understand the mechanisms that drive the transmission of these 2 zoonotic diseases between animals & humans & contribute to the design of interventions to improve human & animal health.
Study/Evaluation of malaria & dirofilariasis zoonoses
Guide about zoonoses and human impact
Guide about zoonoses and education impact
O4 - Videos capturing zoonoses bio-manipulation in simulation centers
The main aim is to go beyond the stage of production of theoretical educational resources (the Guide of main zoonotic disease) & develop support audio-visual educational materials, capturing in real practice, the bio-manipulation of the diseases in simulation centers, presenting situational medical interventions, and teaching medical subjects, related to malaria & dirofilariasis in 6 languages as well as situations in which doctors communicate on medical topics with patients, animals owners or interdisciplinary team practitioners in the national language or in a foreign language.
Video capturing of study of malaria in 6 languages
Video capturing of study of dirofilariasis in 6 languages
O5 - Interdisciplinary pedagogical resource
The main aim of this activity is to convert the guide and videos capturing zoonoses bio-manipulation into language and medical communication learning materials for 6 languages.
Medical communication linguistic resources for 6 languages
O6 - Open Online Course on zoonoses & VET linguistic fields
The main aim of this activity is to provide open free resources available online for everybody interested in veterinary medical procedures and medical communication skills.
Online course on zoonoses-malaria and dirofilariasis study in 6 languages
Online course on languages for veterinary purposes for 6 languages
O7 - ZoonosesOnlineEducation Kit
The aim of this activity is to introduce the newly created resources in the current teaching & medical world continuous learning and professional development activities
Zoonoses Online Education Kit (Guides on how to use the 2 online courses)
International training Programme
National training Programme
O8 - Pedagogical Guidelines & Piloting for teaching/learning of children aged 6-12
The main aim is to transfer the knowledge about zoonoses to the general public and mainly to teachers and children aged 6-12. The two selected target groups have a strong impact in raising awareness and development of health education skills from early ages.
Handbook of pedagogical guidelines for teachers of primary and lower-secondary students
Training for students from Pedagogy Faculty
Teaching lessons in schools piloting the handbook
Networks of schools
O9 - Protocol on epidemiological monitoring & disease control in public health practice (& 50 students/ specialists from human medicine to be trained in the used& applicability of the protocol for epidemiological investigation in the hospital)
The main aim is to promote inter-sectorial collaboration in the control of malaria & dirofilariasis, including closer collaboration between human doctors & the veterinary field. In this respect the project propose to create for the human medicine a protocol on epidemiological monitoring and disease control in public health practice. At this stage of the project, we intend to move the accent from the veterinary intervention to the human one.
Protocol on epidemiological monitoring and control of zoonoses
Informative materials for general public
Workshops with students
Network of medical institutes
+ ZoonosesOnlineEducation portal tool with educational resources (Veterinary – Study on malaria & dirofilariasis; Open Online course on zoonoses; Videos with bio-manipulation; Guide on how to use the course/train. Medicine - Protocol on epidemiological monitoring & disease control in public health practice; Testimonials with case studies at international level. Languages - Open online course on veterinary communication. Pedagogy – Pedagogical course & teaching activities on health education for (future) teachers to use at class with pupils aged 6-12. Raise awareness - Interactive & attractive educational/informational materials on health education, microbes & the need of vaccines for different target group age).